Monday 10th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Aaron Rodgers Channels His Inner Allen Iverson

August 12, 2011 – Kevin Burke

Allen Iverson’s “Practice?” press conference has truly proven to be one of the most famous pressers in the history of sports. In recent memory, it’s up there with Dennis Green’s “They are who we thought they were”, Herman Edwards’ “You play to win the game. Hello!?”, and Jim Mora’s “Playoffs??” gems. However, the three I mentioned aside from Iverson, were brought to us by coaches, making A.I.’s one of most famous ones from a player.

This week, coach of the Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers, Mike McCarthy, was less than pleased with how his team performed during practice. He didn’t think they had enough energy and intensity. Suffering from a Super Bowl hangover is something that happens routinely in the NFL, so you can understand the coach’s concern. Quarterback Aaron Rodgers was interviewed after practice and was asked what he thought about McCarthy’s comments. The part in question is at the :35 mark.

I find it interesting that he’s mocking his coach in such a blatant manner, but that’s neither here or there. As is the case with most famous pressers, emotions get involved. Iverson was asked about practice right after his team was eliminated from the playoffs, when the wounds were still fresh. I think there actually may have been some validity to what he was saying, but when he decided to say “practice” countless times, all bets were off and his message was lost. Allen even starts laughing during his rant because he thought the reporters were siding with him, rather than laughing at him. Good stuff, A.I.

If you’re looking for your everyday, predictable basketball talk, then go somewhere else, because Kevin Burke of The Kevin Burke Project brings provocative, thought provoking content about basketball as only he can. Kevin also hosts The Hoop Doctors weekly podcast show, which you can subscribe to for free on iTunes. Follow Kevin on Twitter and Facebook

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