Tuesday 22nd October 2024,
The Hoop Doctors

Top 10 Plays by Stephen Curry in 2014-15 Season

curry2015top10yThere has been a great debate lately about who deserves the MVP award more, Steph Curry, or James Harden. While Harden has voiced his case for the award, Curry has been more low-key saying he just wants to focus on wins and the NBA title run.

Harden is definitely more of a scorer, while Curry is more well-rounded offensively as a shooter and distributor. But one of the more overlooked elements of Curry’s game (especially given is record breaking season from behind the arc) is his ball handling. Curry has ridiculous Kyrie-esque handles that make even Chris Paul shudder from time to time.

Check out THD’s Top 10 plays by Stephen Curry this season….Watch, Share, Watch Again, Rinse, Repeat…

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