Monday 17th June 2024,
The Hoop Doctors

Daily Dimes: Where A 7-yr Old Celtics Fan Has Serious Dance Moves….

The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes | Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

Friday, March 6, 2009

Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

If you like the Raptors and you haven’t checked out the Dino Nation Blog yet…be ashamed…
Dino Nation Blog Chat with Idaho Stampede

This 7-year old boy has moves! And he’s a Celts fan….check out the video….
Introducing the Celtics New Dancing Phenom

Hoops Addict has a great chat with ROY candidate Derrick Rose…
One-on-One with Derrick Rose

Chris Bosh handled it well….the Shaq Attack….
Chris Bosh doesn’t like your RuPaul Jokes

Another great Video Find from NESW Sports – This time Chamberlain…
Wilt Chamberlain Roast: Vintage Video

If you’ve got stories you think our readers should know about for our Daily Dimes links, please email them to us at ([email protected])

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