Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Gilbert Arenas is “The Creator”: New Adidas “Brotherhood” Video

Gilbert Arenas Adidas

November 3, 2008 – Dr. Anklesnap

We all know Gilbert Arenas is one of the most interactive NBA superstars with fans and media. We all know he’s a man of the people, known to randomly show up at outdoor courts and hoop with whoever and whenever completely unannounced. That’s love for the game. True Love.

Adidas recently sent The Hoop Doctors this new ‘Basketball Is A Brotherhood’ video with Gilbert Arenas and DeShawn Stevenson, doin’ what they do best. Motivating people at the grassroots and playin’ the game they love. In this edition of ‘The Brotherhood’ Arenas is considered to be “The Creator”, in future editions Dwight Howard will be “The Commander” and Kevin Garnett will BE the “Brotherhood”. I’ll keep ya’ll posted.

Check this cool vid, and let us know in our comments section below what “Basketball is a Brotherhood” means to you…

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