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The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes: 09/16

The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes | Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

“Errybody” remember the Lil’ Penny commercials? Check this gem from NESW Sports!
Lil Penny, Superbowl Party

Don’t the Lakers already have too many big men? Too many ‘Real McCoy’ jokes possible here, arghhhh
Lakers working out Jelani McCoy

Ball Don’t Lie has a photo gem with Riles and Ewing
Photo Fun: The Kings of New York

Great read on Delonte West from Celtics Blog, Check it out!
An unexpected end to the Delonte West Saga

The OKC logo sucks, and A Stern Warning is doing something about it!
OKC Thunder: Can you do better?

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