Friday 28th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Blake Griffin Isn’t Too Worried About His Back Injury

griffbackhBlake Griffin pulled out of Team USA activities because of a bad back, but he’d like everyone to know that he’s doing just fine. Two years ago, a bad knee forced him to back out of the Olympics, so precaution is the key word here.

Backs and knees are the two most sacred areas for top-flight athletes, but this doesn’t appear to be too serious:

“It’s less than a hairline and my back is not fractured. Everything is still intact,” Griffin said. “I can still come out here and I can do my workouts and I can do everything I used to do. I just shouldn’t be playing and practicing everyday this early….

“It’s not that my back is broken and I’m walking around with a broken back, or I’m in so much pain. But if I start playing basically two months earlier than everybody else and then go through all of next season and the playoffs, then I’m probably going to put myself in a bad position. I couldn’t do that.”

H/T: LA Times

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