Michael Jordan told Stephen A. Smith this week that he believes Phil Jackson will likely help the New York Knicks succeed in his front office role. Even though the Zen Master doesn’t have any experience in a front office role, he has plenty of experience in talent evaluation, managing of egos, and getting the most [...]
The world is slowly becoming more empathetic and understanding to those student athletes that suffer from a disability. Caution…for anyone who is a parent of a child with an affliction or disability, the following story may cause a tear to come to your eye, possibly even a tidal wave. We once brought you the story [...]
Lakers fans will love this infographic from the AP. For different reasons the Lakers hate wagon probably will too. It shows every Kobe Bryant injury in his career that caused him to miss NBA action. Time is money, and in Kobe’s case given his sizable salary, a lot of money lost to injury. Can you [...]
Shaquille O’Neal has more iPhones than you, and maybe even some Apple retail carriers. During an interview with USA Today‘s Jefferson Graham that is bound to change your life, Shaq revealed that he purchases 50 iPhones whenever a new one comes out…or something like that. That only seems excessive because you’re ignorant. Shaq has plenty [...]
Guess who showed up to watch the Celtics-Warriors game last night. 2Pac Shakur. Is he alive and well? I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, but the this fan sure had the Boston crowd fooled.The hospitality staff even played California Love and put his mug on the big screen. Damn, what a doppelganger!! Clearly he [...]
I may be aging myself a bit here, but I cut my teeth in NBA fandom watching the Mark Jackson days with the New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers. Both stints. The man was known for his slick handles, court vision, and laser like passing abilities, but he was also a better than average outside [...]
One half of team splash brothers, Stephen Curry, of the Golden State Warriors is known for his ridiculously quick release and accurate three point shooting. But with his shot off in the All-Star game tonight in New Orleans, Curry showed off some of his ball handling skills. Can we say under-rated? Check out this between [...]