Monday 31st March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Dr. Anklesnap

New Lebron Vitaminwater Spot

New Lebron Vitaminwater Spot

May 4, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap Some observers have speculated about LeBron’s health during the playoffs, and coincidentally, health is the subject of a new vitaminwater ad that will air during the NBA Playoffs. LeBron provides the voice over for the spot, saying that no one should expect him to climb into a hyberbaric chamber [...]

May 4, 2010 admin Blogs, Dr. Anklesnap 4

Jerry Stackhouse Sings National Anthem

Jerry Stackhouse Sings National Anthem

May 3, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap Aside from being a jack of all trades on the basketball court, it seems veteran Jerry Stackhouse has one more trade he wants to share with the Milwaukee Bucks fans. He can sing like one of the American Idols. Stackhouse surprised a National TV audience before Game 6 of [...]

May 3, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 0

Lebron James Wins NBA MVP Award

Lebron James Wins NBA MVP Award

April 30, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap For the second consecutive season, Lebron James will be named the NBA’s Most Valuable Player. While an official announcement has yet to be made by the NBA on their website. Our boys over at Waiting for Next Year, a Cleveland Cavaliers centric blog, have been informed of the pending [...]

April 30, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 0

Worst Foul Call in the History of the NBA?

Worst Foul Call in the History of the NBA?

April 27, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap I’ve been watching NBA basketball a long time. Without aging myself too much up in here, i’ll just say a very very long time. I have never, in all the years of watching this sport at any level, seen a foul call this obviously absurd. I’ve got a lot [...]

April 27, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 40

Sneak Peek: Michael Jordan Interview with John Thompson [Videos]

Sneak Peek: Michael Jordan Interview with John Thompson [Videos]

April 17, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap Michael Jordan is THE most polarizing sports figure of all-time. He also happens to be the greatest basketball player of all-time. And we here at The Hoop Doctors are of the opinion that he is the most dominant athlete at his primary sport to ever play. So that said, [...]

April 17, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 5

‘You Got Dunked On’ – Top 10 in 2010

‘You Got Dunked On’ – Top 10 in 2010

April 15, 2010 – The Hoop Doctors We can’t remember an NBA season in recent memory that was littered with more exciting plays, buzzer beaters, blocks, and dunks than 2009-10. With that said there was a special sort of dunk that has re-emerged this season. The ‘in your grill’, nasty, ‘you got dunked on’, type. [...]

April 15, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 34

Kobe to Sit Final Two Lakers Games Huh?

Kobe to Sit Final Two Lakers Games Huh?

April 13, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap Is anyone else sick of the PR bull? If a star player wants to sit the last couple games of the year to rest up and give his team the best possible chance for a strong playoff run and a potential championship, why not just call a spade a [...]

April 13, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 2

Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith Parody Tiger Woods Nike Commercial [Video]

Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith Parody Tiger Woods Nike Commercial [Video]

April 9, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap Everyone has been buzzing about the new Tiger Woods Nike Commercial that has taken the internet by storm. Then again anything related to Tiger Woods has been taking the internet by storm these days. All in all, most of us here at The Hoop Doctors are getting kind of [...]

April 9, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 2

Kobe Bryant Last Night on Jimmy Kimmel

Kobe Bryant Last Night on Jimmy Kimmel

April 7, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap L.A. Lakers star Kobe Bryant appeared last night on the Jimmy Kimmel show. He was chatting with Kimmel about everything from his new contract extension for ‘Oprah Money’ to his transportation to work and the L.A. Clippers. Kobe seems to be more comfortable in these sorts of interviews these [...]

April 7, 2010 admin Blogs, Dr. Anklesnap 1

Top 10 Dunking Point Guards of All-time [Video]

Top 10 Dunking Point Guards of All-time [Video]

April 5, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap Although NBA TV analyst Eric Snow seems like a super nice guy, and was the type of basketball player every young baller should aspire to be (hardworking, unassuming, gritty, strong defender, facilitator, unselfish, etc.), it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the most exciting NBA analyst in the game today. But [...]

April 5, 2010 admin Dr. Anklesnap 4