Wednesday 05th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Kevin Love Thinks LeBron Disrespected Draymond

kevin love

A lot of unwritten rules were broken over the weekend in the NBA Finals.

1. Once again, Draymond Green hit another man in a certain area, which is a no-no for everyone but him.

2. After LeBron stepped over Draymond, the two had some words. Apparently Draymond called LeBron a choice word that he didn’t appreciate. For some reason, LeBron thought it was necessary to tell us all of this during the post-game presser. It’s not the first time he’s done this, and it comes across as him “telling” on Draymond. Just keep that on the court, LeBron.

And #3 is Kevin Love. When asked about LeBron stepping over Green, Love actually told the truth and gave his real feelings. He didn’t get the memo where you’re supposed to defend your teammate no matter what. Especially in the Finals. What has this league come to?

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