Sunday 09th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Lebron James Has Already ‘Mastered’ Every Position in Cavs New Offense

lebronbrainLebron James is not only a gym rat that has tremendous physical abilities, but its been widely accepted that he has one of the best mental capacities for the game of basketball. Some even think he’s got a photographic memory or is a savant for ‘systems’, that can even apply to memorizing video game manipulations.

Today CBS Sports reported that Lebron did something in practice that shocked the entire coaching staff….

The coaching staff retreated to their evening meeting, which lasted 30 minutes or so. When they emerged, what they saw was heartening, if not particularly surprising: There was James on the practice floor with four teammates, marching them through the intricacies of Blatt’s offensive system from the perspective of each position, one through five. James had already mastered them all.

Something tells me these two basketball savants are going to get along just fine — as long as, you know, they win. (via Ken Berger CBS Sports)

So Ken Berger may be exaggerating the story by saying he has ‘mastered’ the David Blatt’s new offense for the Cavs from all 5 positions on the floor, but that said it is still very impressive he is comfortable enough in each of the positions thus far to be able to lead a walk through with his teammates without any support from the coaching staff.

Anyone else excited to see what Lebron, Kyrie, and Kevin are going to do in the East? This could be impressive if they can gel and get the chemistry right. The talent is there…and so are the brains apparently.

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