Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Heat Could’ve Landed Evan Turner, But Didn’t Want to Let Go of Haslem

turnerpacersorthWhen we think about recent history involving the Miami Heat (pre-2010), Dwyane Wade is the name that exclusively comes to mind. But don’t forget about Udonis Haslem. Granted, his role has been reduced somewhat, but he’s been there forever and was a key part of the 2006 Championship team.

That sort of championship pedigree is something the Heat still value. According to the Miami-Herald, the Heat could’ve landed Evan Turner several weeks back, rather than Indiana. But Miami wasn’t willing to part with Udonis. Makes sense, as backcourt help isn’t what’s align the Heat.

The Heat was offered Evan Turner before Indiana. All they had to give up was Haslem, who wasn’t even playing. Haslem, like Danny Granger, has spent his basketball life with only one team, and he talks a lot about the Heat way and family. The Heat didn’t make the trade at least in part because it didn’t like how the message contradicted what it was selling James when it met him, or what it might do to the locker room.

H/T: Miami-Herald

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