Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Kevin Durant Sides With Marcus Smart

smartkdOklahoma State guard Marcus Smart set the internet and sports world on fire a few nights ago when he shoved a Texas Tech fan. For his actions, he has been suspended for 3 games. You could argue that the suspension was warranted and perhaps his actions were too. It’s easy to see both sides of the coin; both guys were in the wrong. Smart and the fan have since apologized.

Kevin Durant was asked about the whole situation and pretty much said he would’ve done what Smart did. KD went to Texas and knows a thing or two about playing at Texas Tech.

“I just put it like this,” Durant said. “If you wouldn’t say that if we were walking down the street, then you should keep that to yourself.”

“I played in that place my one year at Texas, and those fans say some crazy stuff to you,” Durant said. “But he’s a (19)-year-old kid, heat of the moment. It’s easy for you guys to judge him because you’ve never been in that situation, but I’m sure he regrets it, made a mistake and I’m sure he’ll learn from it.”

Durant even went as far as to say, “I’m not sure I would have reacted any different.” But his history suggests otherwise. Despite being verbally provoked plenty of times, Durant has never had a physical altercation with a fan.

H/T: The Oklahoman

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