Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Sacramento Kings Rumors: Team Wants Cousins to See a Psychologist

Every now and again, you’ll see a player implode. He will go through a series of issues that cause teams to give up on him as their act gets old. While it’s too premature to paint DeMarcus Cousins with that brush, let’s just hope he gets it together because he’s too talented.

The Kings are searching for answers for their big man. Will that come in the way of a phychologist?

While the rules of the collective bargaining agreement don’t allow players to be forced into mental health counseling, it was strongly suggested that Cousins see a psychologist. It was Cousins’ prerogative to decline those services – which he did. But the bare-minimum expectations of the team’s front-office executives were that Cousins would come back contrite and apologetic to Smart and his teammates.

That had not happened to his bosses’ liking, but he was back before they had expected. Even some of his teammates were unpleasantly surprised.

H/T: USA Today Sports

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