Thursday 06th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Dwight Howard Surprises Fan on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

October 12, 2011 – Allen Moll

There’s no denying that Orlando Magic superstar center Dwight Howard has a larger than life personality and has his sights set on television and the big screen by the time his playing career is over. Recently, Howard got a jump-start on his Hollywood dreams by making an appearance on ABC’s Extreme Makeover:Home Edition.

If you’re not familiar with the show, each week a remodeling crew fixes up the home of some deserving family that needs a little luck in life. For last week’s episode, the show focused on the Rucker family from Georgia.

The main focus of the episode was the horrific tale of an unfortunate and at the same time, heroic tale of 9 year old Anaiah Rucker, who lost her leg and suffered numerous other severe injuries in an attempt to save her younger sister from being struck by a car. For her efforts, Anaiah must now live the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

The entire family had been living in a rental home in Madison, Georgia since their old home was not wheelchair friendly. Surely the Rucker family was besieged by an innate amount of medical bills and were unable to fix up their original home.

In stepped the producers of Extreme Makover, who offered to build the Rucker family a new home, fly them to Florida’s Disney World for vacation, and let Anaiah meet Howard, her favorite basketball player.

Watch as Dwight Howard Surprises 9 year old Anaiah Rucker:

Allen Moll has been a lifelong NBA and NCAA College Basketball fan who watches and studies games religiously, and coaches youth basketball in his native Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania.  Allen also provides content to,, in addition to being a tenured NBA and NCAA columnist for

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