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The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes: Where Rudy is headed to the dunkoff!

The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes | Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

Monday, January 19, 2009

Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

Great video of Wade’s brilliance against the Thunder!
Wade Behind Back Then Dunk

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! Always cheer for the underdog right?
Fernandez headed to Dunk Contest for All-star

I love this new Jordan spot! Docksquad has you covered, check it…
New Air Jordan Commercial

BTPH has lead on a hilarious piece on Posey!
32 Hours of James Posey

Great comments from NBA stars on Obama…NESW Sports Video…
NBA reactions on Obama

If you’ve got stories you think our readers should know about for our Daily Dimes links, please email them to us at ([email protected])

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