Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

The Mystery of Kenyon Martin’s “Lips” Tattoo Revealed!

Kenyon Martin Lips Tattoo

December 15, 2008 – Dr. Dime

The other Hoop Doc’s and myself have had many discussions this season about what could have possibly been going through Kenyon Martin’s mind when he got that neck tattoo of those big red set of lips. There were many different scenarios discussed, but we always ended up agreeing on it being the result of an elaborate dare or lost bet.

Turns out we were wrong. We have to give a big Hoop Doc’s hat tip to J.E. Skeets at Ball Don’t Lie for giving us the heads up on the unfolding of this tattoo mystery! The answers come straight from the horses mouth too. Here is Kenyon Martin explaining the tattoo was for his girlfriend and hip-hop artist Trina:

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