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The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes: 10/01

The Hoop Doctors Daily Dimes | Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Prescribed NBA reading from all over the world wide web

Heat’s young coach brings high tech into the mix. Love it!
Ipods for Playbooks

Ballerblogger has an interesting preview. Check it out.
Eastern Conference Preview

So will the Wolves/Clippers jump on Livingston then? Or will his comeback have t
Heat’s Pat Riley: signing Shaun Livingston a “dead issue”

Good analysis, sometimes players are misrepresented as injury prone.
Pick Axe and Roll: Are Nene and Kmart Injury Prone?

YouGotDunkedOn has a good Kemp vid in the wake of his dismissal overseas
Throwback Vid: Shawn Kemp on Alton Lister

If you’ve got stories you think our readers should know about for our Daily Dimes links, please email them to us at ([email protected])

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