Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Michael Jordan vs. Kobe Bryant? | The Video makes a statement

Michael Jordan vs. Kobe Bryant | MJ Quoted in Video at Camp

July 31, 2008 – Dr. Browntorious

Today felt like Christmas when I was surfing the web. I saw something that gave me the game day feeling. You know that excited yet slightly nervous feeling in your stomach that you get before a big game or event that you have been thinking about forever. You know the feeling, the ‘game day’ feeling. Let me explain….

I grew up in the Jordan era. I’m a Michael Jordan guy. Like the guy can do no wrong in my eyes, so i’m a little biased towards any conversation that has to do with ‘his airness.’ That being said he’s an easy horse to back because he is widely considered to be the greatest player and competitor to ever live. It also doesn’t hurt that he holds more records than virtually any other player and he was a 6-time NBA Champion. The ultimate goal of a legit NBA star is to win that ring.

I used to love watching Michael Jordan games during his days with the Bulls, because he was the type of player you couldn’t take your eyes off of when he was playing. Even when he didn’t have the ball you were glued to him on the screen because you didn’t want to potentially miss the next big highlight reel play. Sure you know you’d see it back on Sports Center about a quadrillion times afterwards, but it was still one of things that you wanted to call your boyz right away and be like “did you just see that dawg? Whaaaaa”

So with all that said, this morning when i’m surfing I come across this video post on a blog called Mixmakers that talked about an MJ video schooling cats one-on-one at the ripe old age of 45. I have been starved of any fresh Michael Jordan video content in quite some time (although I regularly watch my Michael Jordan ULTIMATE JORDAN DVD Set). Well to my pleasant surprise not only does the video of MJ teaching cats of all ages at a Hoops Camp about fundamentals and visualization, it also shows Jordan dunking at 45 years of age!! And one is a nice two handed throwdown right in a guys grill that is defending him! But the greatest part of the video has to be at the beginning when Jordan is answering the kids questions. One of these real young dudes who probably never watched Jordan live because he wasn’t born asks “Who would win in a game of One-on-One – You or Kobe?”

Of course MJ doesn’t even hesitate to say “Kobe would win because I’m older. In my prime? Not even a contest. Let’s just say I have a better chance of stopping him than of him stopping me.” ……LOVE IT!!

But just so you readers can share in my excitement, let me give you your early Christmas present from Dr. Browntorious below:

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