Sunday 08th September 2024,
The Hoop Doctors


The Great Ones Adapt in Real Time: Did only Lebron James and Michael Jordan get the Memo?

The Great Ones Adapt in Real Time: Did only Lebron James and Michael Jordan get the Memo?

May 13th, 2008 – Dr. Dime I will not say Lebron James is struggling offensively. Considering his penetration, passing, positioning, and even just the defensive attention he attracts it makes for good team offense regardless. What I will say is that all series long Lebron James has struggled with his shot. The only reason his [...]

May 13, 2008 admin Blogs 9

Is Baron Davis leaving the Golden State Warriors this Summer?

Is Baron Davis leaving the Golden State Warriors this Summer?

May 11th, 2008 – Dr. Dime Baron Davis has one more year left on his six year, $84 million contract extension he signed with the New Orleans Hornets, before getting traded to the Golden State Warriors. What some fans in Golden State weren’t aware of regarding Davis’ contract is the player option he has to [...]

May 11, 2008 admin Blogs 7

Celtics may want to muzzle the Garden Fans; Don’t Wake the Sleeping Giant!

Celtics may want to muzzle the Garden Fans; Don’t Wake the Sleeping Giant!

May 9th, 2008 – Dr. J-Water I will always encourage NBA fans across the nation to cheer for their favorite team like rabid wild animals during the playoffs. Isn’t that what it’s all about? We wait all year long for this moment, NBA PLAYOFFS. Let’s get nuts!! Now with that said, can NBA fans actually [...]

May 9, 2008 admin Blogs 3

San Antonio Spurs Reputation Audit: Flopping, Hack-a-Shaq, Closeouts, and ‘The Body Check’

San Antonio Spurs Reputation Audit: Flopping, Hack-a-Shaq, Closeouts, and ‘The Body Check’

May 8, 2008 – Dr. Anklesnap The San Antonio Spurs are winners. Plain and simple. This cannot be disputed as they have dominated the NBA for almost the last decade. With four NBA titles in the last nine years, and being contenders in the other five, the Spurs are the benchmark for every franchise in [...]

May 8, 2008 admin Dr. Anklesnap 21

Mike D’Antoni vs. Steve Kerr: An Old-fashioned Western Stand-off!

Mike D’Antoni vs. Steve Kerr: An Old-fashioned Western Stand-off!

May 6th, 2008 – Dr. Dime After averaging 57 wins over his past four seasons as the Head Coach of the high octane Phoenix Suns, Mike D’Antoni is now in a position to have his pick of the litter for the teams with vacant head coaching positions. I haven’t seen a Coach demand this kind [...]

May 7, 2008 admin Blogs 8

NBA Playoff Power Rankings – ‘The Final 8’

NBA Playoff Power Rankings – ‘The Final 8’

May 5th, 2008 – Dr. Browntorious Before the playoffs began, everyone was predicting that either Detroit or Boston was coming out of the East, and any one of Phoenix, San Antonio, New Orleans or LA would win the West. As the second round of the playoffs begin, now what are people thinking? Who would have [...]

May 5, 2008 admin Blogs 0

Ball Don’t Lie (2008) “8-Mile meets the And1 Tour” Doc J-Water may need to re-rank his hoop flicks…

Ball Don’t Lie (2008) “8-Mile meets the And1 Tour” Doc J-Water may need to re-rank his hoop flicks…

May 4th, 2008 – Dr. J-Water How excited was I when my boy “Biggie” (we call him biggie because he’s….well….big) tells me he’s in NYC the week of the Tribeca Film Festival and he’s going to check out the screening of “Ball Don’t Lie”? He knows I’ve been dying to check it out since I [...]

May 4, 2008 admin Blogs 8

The Orlando Magic are the best kept secret in the NBA

The Orlando Magic are the best kept secret in the NBA

May 3, 2008 – Dr. Anklesnap All season we’ve heard about how dominant the Western Conference has been, and specifically how good they are compared to the Eastern Conference. Even the teams with the top two regular season records in the entire league (Boston Celtics, Detroit Pistons) had a tough time getting mentioned by NBA [...]

May 3, 2008 admin Dr. Anklesnap 2

2008 NBA MVP: Chris Paul or Kobe Bryant?

2008 NBA MVP: Chris Paul or Kobe Bryant?

May 1st, 2008 – Dr. Browntorious Chris Paul or Kobe Bryant? This will be the only time I write about the potential candidates for MVP, as the award gets too much hype and generally isn’t as important to the players as it is to the media. First off, there are only two real candidates this [...]

May 1, 2008 admin Blogs 10

NBA Coaches beware; once again it’s time for musical chairs!

NBA Coaches beware; once again it’s time for musical chairs!

April 30th, 2008 – Dr. Browntorious Did last night signal the end of an era for the Dallas Mavericks and Phoenix Suns? An era possibly defined by 5 straight years of domination throughout the regular season each followed by playoff let down after playoff letdown. I do have to give both teams credit for fighting [...]

April 30, 2008 admin Blogs 0