Wednesday 12th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Gordon Hayward Mocks LeBron’s “The Decision”

September 12, 2011 – Kevin Burke

It is going to be a very long time (if ever) before LeBron James returns to the level of esteem and respectability that he once enjoyed prior to July 2010. Everything he says and does is now scrutinized more than any athlete I can ever remember, and there is no sign of slowing down. He also routinely finds himself as the butt of jokes. He has been made fun of endlessly because of his receding hairline so much that he decided to take the route of self-deprecation too. And I’ll admit, the “LeBron should play hockey because there’s no fourth period” jokes were funny…in June. But in mid-September, they’re not as funny anymore.

Also, parodies of “The Decision” were humorous too…last year. Utah’s Gordon Hayward thinks there’s no expiration date, however. In an IGN Pro League  ad, Hayward mocks “The Decision”. Quite flawlessly, I might add.

Hayward isn’t the first player to take a jab at LeBron (nor will he be the last), but I don’t think I’ve seen a player mock his decision like this in such a blatant manner. You know it’s bad for LeBron when an unproven guy who averaged 5.4 points in 16.9 minutes in his only year in the League makes fun of him too.

If you’re looking for your everyday, predictable basketball talk, then go somewhere else, because Kevin Burke of The Kevin Burke Project brings provocative, thought provoking content about basketball as only he can. Kevin also hosts The Hoop Doctors weekly podcast show, which you can subscribe to for free on iTunes. Follow Kevin on Twitter and Facebook

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