Monday 31st March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

John Mayer ‘Promises’ To Wear Cavs Jersey During Miami Concert

August 19, 2010 – Dr. Anklesnap

John Mayer Cleveland Cavaliers Jersey MiamiThe artist John Mayer (yeah the guy that used to date Jessica Simpson), recently played the Blossom Music Festival in Cleveland. Playing to the crowd he came out on stage wearing a Cleveland Cavaliers jersey. The crowd not surprisingly went wild. For some reason the combination of beer, marijuana, music, and sports teams will do that to people.

What was surprising however was what happened next. John Mayer promised the crowd that he would wear his Cleveland Cavaliers jersey when he plays his next concert in Miami. I’m not sure when that would be (mainly because we don’t like John Mayer), but whenever it is, that is something i’d like to see. The reaction from the crowd would be priceless in Miami.

Mayer promised three or four times after he said it, then gave a very important “Rock and Roll Promise”. We can’t take those lightly people. A rock and roll promise is serious business I take it. Plus, after the heartbreak that Lebron put on Cleveland this summer, Mayer better live up to that promise because otherwise I don’t know if Cleveland could take it. Plus, it was all caught on the following video, so Mayer better not try and weasle out of it:

{video via CleveScene}

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