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NBA Referees Need Parenting Skills! The Player’s Just Need Consistency

NBA Referees

November 19th, 2008 – Dr. J-Water

This may sound a little off the wall here, but I basically think that NBA Referees need to use the same principles in disciplining NBA players as they would if they were disciplining kids for misbehaving. Don’t get me wrong here, i’m in no way implying that NBA players (grown men) are like small children. What i’m getting at is that in life we have to learn about boundaries and complying with rules. It’s a fact of life. There are different styles of parenting with some being strict and some being more lenient. Unfortunately for me, mine were more on the stricter side. But no matter how strict or lenient your parents are/were the key to success and ensuring compliance to the rules is “consistency, consistency, consistency!”

David Stern, Stu Jackson, and all NBA Officials, are you listening? Consistency is the key to not only ensure compliance to the rules, but also in many cases it will help prevent big blow ups and controversial shouts of conspiracy after you make a decision to grant a personal, flagrant, or technical foul and even if it goes as far as an ejection. Basketball players want predictability in how the game will be officiated night in and night out. It’s a lot easier to live with the rules, even if you think they are too strict, if you know they will be fairly and uniformly applied across the league to your peers in the same manner they are applied to you.

It’s like if you were the older sibling getting in trouble from your parents and you get scolded for doing something wrong and your younger brother gets off scot free. When you ask why they say “you are older you should know better!” How frustrating is that? If you do the crime, you should serve the time right? Regardless of your age, star status, reputation, or any other factors that may influence the NBA referee’s.

In the past week we have had some really glaring examples of the inconsistencies in flagrant fouls being handed out by NBA referees. Below I will show some video evidence that there is currently no consistency to the way the referees are choosing to apply the flagrant foul rules. Not only that, but the players involved are prime examples of how certain variables are affecting the calls Shaquille O’Neal (size), Kenyon Martin (reputation), Drew Gooden (??).

1. O’Neal makes an attempt at blocking the shot but his size and momentum results in Stuckey taking a nasty spill. Result: O’Neal receives flagrant 2 and ejection

2. Kenyon Martin hardly bumps a player setting a screen however has a reputation for overly agressive play. Result: Kmart gets a Flagrant 2 and game ejection

3. In last night’s match-up between the Bulls and Lakers, Drew Gooden attacks Vladamir Radmanovic on the break by clothes lining him hard around the neck. Looked like the most flagrant of these three videos to me. Result: Delayed call, eventually received only a Flagrant 1 and continued playing the game.

So, do you have any thoughts on these fouls? Does this look like NBA referees applying the rules in a consistent manner to you?

Maybe Stern should buy the officials the Dummies Guide to Parenting NBA Players?

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