Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Watch: Lance Stephenson with another epic flop against the Bulls

lanceMost NBA players change, as they mature throughout the course of their respective careers, however, some don’t and one of them is one of the Charlotte Hornets’ newest acquisition—Lance Stephenson—as he continues to show why he’s one of the best actors in the league with his flopping skills.

Here’s a video of his latest one in their preseason game versus the Chicago Bulls:


Luckily for him it’s just the preseason, I guess he won’t be receiving a fine for that one.

Benjamin Felix Santos is currently a senior college student from the Philippines. An aspiring NBA writer, who bleeds the purple and gold. His love and passion for the game will never die.
You may find his other musings at the Lake Show Life.

Follow him on twitter: @biefsantos

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