Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Mark Cuban Says Dirk Took a “Nap” During Games

dirk-nowitzki-napMark Cuban has never been one to hold his tongue and apparently his own team isn’t off limits either. Because of his recent play, Cuban has been expecting more from Dirk Nowitzki. Cuban went so far as to say Dirk takes a “nap” during games from time to time.

Obviously, he’s just poking fun at his star player but there’s truth in jest sometimes. Also, let’s not forget that Dirk isn’t exactly a spring chicken anymore. Still effective, nonetheless.

“I think sometimes he loses concentration, and I think we’ve got to get past that,” Cuban said. “I mentioned it to him today. I asked him how his nap was during the game [Sunday at Oklahoma City]. He laughed. At least that’s while I was facing him. When I turned my back and walked away, I don’t know.”

H/T: Star-Telegram

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