Tuesday 11th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

LeBron Stays Mum on Free Agency

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Can’t blame a guy for trying.

Strike, that we can. This early into the season and with already so much speculation being flung around like poo in a monkey exhibit, we can blame everyone who forces us to endure another LeBron James free-agency question.

Before the Miami Heat beat the Toronto Raptors, LeBron was, once again, asked about his plans for this upcoming summer.

“I’m not answering the free-agent question,” he said, per the South Florida SunSentinel‘s Ira Winderman.

According to Ryan Wolstat of the Toronto Sun, the question was more of a “would you consider signing with the Raptors” type inquiry and it was a joke. Either way, LeBron concealed a smile and dodged any potential discussion.

Bang. We’re all shocked. LeBron remaining quiet on his free agency? Which isn’t even official unless he opts out of his contract? In November? When he can’t make a real decision until the summer? Go figure.

The questions need to stop. They’re becoming a distraction. Not so much for the Heat, who must be used to this sort of thing by now. All eyes have been on them since 2010, the first time LeBron explored free agency. This is nothing new.

But that doesn’t make it any less annoying for us. Part of me understands some reporters have to ask that question; the other part of me wants to murder the previous part.

What is LeBron going to tell us now, five games into the season, that he hasn’t already? That he’s leaving this summer? Get real.

LeBron has to feel in a particularly forthcoming mood just to field questions on the topic. On the off chance he’s feeling like Mr. Generous, the most he’ll do is listen and dismiss propositions more politely.

“I haven’t thought about it.” “We’ll see.” “I love playing for the Miami Heat.” “I will not play for the Raptors.” “Toronto is my bitch, yo.” Things like that will be said, much of the time completely unrelated to the original question. Especially now, in the middle of November, roughly eight months before he can even be courted by other teams.

Were this the LeBron of 2009-10, young, brash and pissed off at the Cleveland Cavaliers for being so damn mediocre, perhaps he indulges a few free agency questions. Maybe he puts his foot in his mouth by saying he would most definitely play for the Raptors. Or the Los Angeles Lakers. Or the Harlem Globetrotters. Maybe he refers to himself in the third person while saying something like “King James is gonna make it rain this summer!”

This isn’t the LeBron of four years ago, though. He’s older; he’s matured. He’s won two championships and navigated a labyrinth of controversy only to emerge as one of the most marketable and now likable guys in the NBA.

Traps can be set and jokes made, but he won’t fall for them. So please, for the love of all that is not pointless, let the questions stop. For now, anyway. Should the Heat do the unthinkable and crack open a case of bubbly after avenging their loss to the Philadelphia 76ers, then feel free to hope LeBron’s inhibitions have been lowered enough to accept questions he still won’t know the answer to.

Until then, save any and all inquiries for the offseason. Or at the very least, let the Heat play 10 games first.

Dan Favale is a firm believer in the three-pointer as well as the notion that defense doesn’t always win championships. His musings can be found at Bleacherreport.com in addition to TheHoopDoctors.com. Follow @danfavale on Twitter for his latest posts and all things NBA.


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