Thursday 13th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

The Hoop Doctors Podcast: Episode 001

We want to welcome everyone reading this, to our first ever podcast on The Hoop Doctors. Our weekly podcast is hosted by none other than Kevin Burke. Episode 001 covers everything from the trade deadline moves, to talk about the playoff race heating up, to the week that was in the NBA. Don’t miss who we give the ‘Pump the Brakes’ award to for week ending February 28, 2010.

If you often find yourself too busy to watch The Hoop Doctors Podcasts, get them on the go for your iPhone or iPod! Subscribe to our Podcasts in the iTunes Directory, free of charge. Also, if you have any questions you’d like answered by Kevin or any other member of The Hoop Doctors team, feel free to email them to [email protected] and we will be sure to select the best of the best to have answered by Kevin On-Air next week or in a future episode.

The Hoop Doctors Podcast: Episode 001 from The Hoop Doctors on Vimeo.

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