Wednesday 05th February 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Write For Us

The Hoop Doctors | Write For Us

The Hoop Doctors have been fortunate enough to field a number of requests to write for us. This has prompted us to publish these general guidelines to inform anyone interested in the various options for writing for The Hoop Doctors.

We will accept articles and columns from freelancers, professional writers, aspiring sports journalists, bloggers, and even just simply educated fans of the sport of basketball. Our current guest writers have varying interests in why they write with The Hoop Doctors, but the most common of which is exposure of their work. At The Hoop Doctors you have an opportunity to have your writing work be seen by 10’s of thousands of basketball fans daily. And yes, we do have paid writing positions. Although these are currently filled, when one of our paid writers leaves the position we look to our ‘guest bloggers’ first to fill the position.

Also, many bloggers guest post with The Hoop Doctors in order to gain exposure for their personal blog as we provide bylines with back links to the site of your choosing on any post published on The Hoop Doctors. In fact all of the writing options will give you a byline of your choosing that can include a couple sentences describing yourself, up to two links to a website/s of your choice, and a headshot photo or a symbol for the readers to begin to associate with your work.

Option 1 – Guest posting: If you can’t commit to a certain frequency of posting we will run pieces on a one off basis for you. For these we are a little more picky on the quality, as well as we prefer pieces that are what we consider to be traffic generating or ‘link bait’ pieces. Examples might be Top 10 lists, Power Rankings of Teams, Award Predictions, Player Comparisons, Photo’s, Video’s, etc.

Option 2 – Being added as a regular rotation writer: If you choose this option you can write for us as often as you’d like, but we will need at minimum of one article/post per week to be considered for rotation writing. The topics can be anything you want provided it’s basketball related.

Option 3 – Permanent Columnist: You must first be contributing to The Hoop Doctors as a ‘rotation writer’ as per Option 2 above before becoming a permanent columnist. If we see that your posts are consistently getting interest from our existing readership, and also garnering a growing traffic base, we will then create a category tab for you in our “Blogs” drop down menu for our readers to find all of your articles in one place. At that point you can help us choose a name for your column. The permanent columnists also have the first priority when it comes to publishing of new articles. If there is ever an overlap in subject matter, first option will always be granted to the columnist.

With all three options, The Hoop Doctors always reserve the right to refuse publication of an article if we feel it is either of low quality, or if it may offend our readers in some way. We also will not run an article or post that has already been run by another website or media outlet as this keeps the content fresh. Anything that is sent to us, will become the property of The Hoop Doctors. This includes all written material or media that was generated by the party submitting for publication with The Hoop Doctors.

What should you write about? How about talking about your favorite player, team, coach, etc? Why not make a list of the best dunkers, or reasons why you think your team will win it all? Is there exciting news that you have a strong opinion on? Did an NBA player’s actions recently offend you in some way? Pissed off at David Stern for a rule change? The sky is the limit on what you can write about.

So, hopefully all of the above didn’t sound too cumbersome. We feel we are very approachable and easy to contact. Just send us an email telling us you are interested in writing for us, and we can take it from there. Even if you just want to reach out to chat about hoops, we are always up for some good basketball analysis and conversation.

Contact us at our general email address: [email protected]cloud mining pool