Wednesday 12th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors


NBA Labor Talks to Resume Saturday

NBA Labor Talks to Resume Saturday

November 3, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors After more than a week off, and some dissention amongst the ranks on the side of the players, it looks like the two sides will finally get back together. After breaking off talks last Friday, the NBA and players’ union are expected to resume face to face negotiations [...]

November 3, 2011 Anou Enright Rumors 0

Stackhouse Doesn’t Want Fisher Negotiating for Players

Stackhouse Doesn’t Want Fisher Negotiating for Players

November 3, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors What happened to the “United We Stand” T-Shirts that the players all wore several months back? In light of Glen Davis yesterday, and now Jerry Stackhouse, it seems to have done a complete 180. “Not to say anything against Derek Fisher, it’s not that I don’t think he’s [...]

November 3, 2011 Anou Enright Rumors 0

Former Player Oliver Miller Pleads Guilty to Assault and Gun Charges

Former Player Oliver Miller Pleads Guilty to Assault and Gun Charges

November 3, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Oliver Miller wasn’t exactly the poster boy for being physically fit when he was playing in the NBA, but he was skilled in the post and had a soft touch. It is always sad for us to see former NBA players get themselves into trouble with the law [...]

November 3, 2011 admin Rumors 0

Glen ‘Big Baby’ Davis: “Take the 51% man and let’s play”

Glen ‘Big Baby’ Davis: “Take the 51% man and let’s play”

November 2, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Amidst all of the perceived contradiction going on on the side of the players, I’m sure the last thing Billy Hunter and Derek Fisher want is a player voicing his opinion on Twitter – especially when it contradicts what they are fighting for. The reason we are at [...]

November 2, 2011 Anou Enright Rumors 1

Baron Davis to Knicks or Lakers?

Baron Davis to Knicks or Lakers?

November 2, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Enough of this lockout stuff. Let’s actually talk basketball. Do you remember when Baron Davis came out of UCLA and was regarded as a can’t-miss prospect? Well, he wasn’t far from it and injuries are probably why he hasn’t enjoyed a borderline Hall of Fame career. While he’s [...]

November 2, 2011 Anou Enright Rumors 0

Chris Paul’s Family Appears on Family Feud

Chris Paul’s Family Appears on Family Feud

November 2, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors We’ve seen players doing all sorts of things during the lockout that they normally don’t have time to do during the NBA season and/or off-season training. Just this week for example we saw Kevin Durant playing flag football at OSU with students to pass time. Well Chris Paul [...]

November 2, 2011 admin Blogs, Rumors 0

The Second Coming [PIC]

The Second Coming [PIC]

November 2, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors I’m the first to admit there will never be another Michael Jordan. But when you look at the league today, who do you think of when you consider potential to be able to dominate the game like Jordan did? I can only come up with one… [...]

November 2, 2011 admin Rumors 0

Jamaal Tinsley Enters D-League Draft

Jamaal Tinsley Enters D-League Draft

November 2, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors It’s always sad when a guy who was an every day starter in the league has to fight, scratch and claw his way back in. Antoine Walker comes to mind. And now Jamaal Tinsley, who is using the D-League as a way back to the NBA. Jamaal Tinsley [...]

November 2, 2011 Anou Enright Rumors 0

Ben Wallace Pleads Guilty to DUI

Ben Wallace Pleads Guilty to DUI

November 1, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors A few months ago, Ben Wallace was charged with drunken driving and weapons possession. He has now apparently pleaded guilty to those charges. Wonder if his playing days are now in fact over. Detroit Pistons center Ben Wallace pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to two misdemeanor charges in Oakland [...]

November 1, 2011 Anou Enright Rumors 0

Dirk Nowitzki’s ‘Q Score Rating’ Up 38%

Dirk Nowitzki’s ‘Q Score Rating’ Up 38%

November 1, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors During the lockout the reputation of both NBA players and NBA owners has taken a nose dive. The longer the lockout lasts the more damage that will be done to the marketability of basketball, particularly however the public perception and marketability of the NBA. And this isn’t just [...]

November 1, 2011 admin Blogs, Rumors 0