November 10, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors It’s not unusual to see athletes appear on kids shows, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary when Carmelo Anthony and Amar’e Stoudemire took a trip to Sesame Street to talk hoops with Grover. But hopefully the lockout will end soon enough so that they can talk hoops [...]
November 10, 2011
Anou Enright
November 10, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors This was supposed to be a special event this weekend; ironically the same weekend as Manny Pacquiao’s fight. Perhaps this means a new CBA deal is close? Organizers have postponed a Las Vegas tournament being hosted by Allen Iverson. Iverson said tournament was moved from this weekend to [...]
November 10, 2011
Anou Enright
November 10, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Nuff said. This hoop looks like it got banged on a few times… [...]
November 10, 2011
November 10, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors A couple nights ago Lebron James took part in the Rudy Gay All-star Game in Memphis. He put up some big numbers including a huge 43 points. Check out this self pass off the board on the break for the dunk, all the while being shadowed by a [...]
November 10, 2011
November 10, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Yesterday’s ultimatum deadline of 5pm ET came and went. The owners and players met for 12 hours yesterday, from about 1pm to 1am. When they broke, it was reported that there was no deal but will reconvene today at noon. The NBA and the NBA Players Association negotiated [...]
November 10, 2011
Anou Enright
November 10, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Deron Williams had a bit of a rough start to his European basketball career during the NBA lockout. He wasn’t able to do the things he normally did in the NBA, he wasn’t getting the same burn, the game was called a bit different, and there were obvious [...]
November 10, 2011
November 9, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors Guys who left college early to enter the NBA draft have to be questioning their decision now, and some are probably thinking about playing overseas. We chatted with #2 overall pick Derrick Williams a few weeks ago and he told us that he’s not thinking about going overseas. [...]
November 9, 2011
Anou Enright
November 9, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors On Saturday, David Stern gave the players an ultimatum. They were to either accept the offer from the owners by close of business today (Wednesday) or possibly be presented with a worse offer. Well, yesterday in New York a total of 43 players, representing 29 of the 30 [...]
November 9, 2011
Anou Enright
November 9, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors I know everyone is hating on Michael Jordan right now as he is one of the owners taking a hard line with players in the lockout negotiations. But try to keep in mind that being a great owner isn’t what we love Michael for. To put a finer [...]
November 9, 2011
November 9, 2011 – The Hoop Doctors We have all grown to love and laugh at the satirical and humorous content pumped out by the Onion Sports Network. Given how tense things are getting between the players and owners these days now that the players have rejected the owners latest offer, I thought you could [...]
November 9, 2011