Friday 07th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Former Knick Anthony Mason in Critical Condition Following Heart Attack

anthony-masonAs the all-star weekend gets set to descend upon New York, we are met with the sad and untimely news that former Knick Anthony Mason has suffered a heart attack and is in critical condition, reportedly fighting for his life. It takes moments like these to remind us all of what’s truly important. We’re all pulling for you, Mase!

Anthony Mason, a bruising power forward who personified the gritty Knicks of the mid-’90s, was in critical condition following a massive heart attack, a source close to the family confirmed late Wednesday.

The Knicks would not comment on Mason, but did issue a tweet before Wednesday’s game in Orlando that read: “Our thoughts and prayers are with Anthony Mason and his family.” Retired NBA writer Peter Vecsey had earlier reported, via Twitter, that the 48-year-old Mason had suffered from “congestive heart failure, heart attack, 4 surgeries, the last one 9 hrs.”

H/T: NY Daily News

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