Saturday 15th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Kevin Durant Has No Plans to Rush Back From Injury

kdbackrushWhen battling back from an injury, some players have a tendency to rush back while others take their sweet time. It all depends on the individual and their state of mind.

Sounds like we can lump Kevin Durant in the category of a guy that will take his time. KD is in no rush to hurry back from his broken foot. The NBA season is a grind so you can’t blame him. Let’s just hope him being out doesn’t put OKC in an impossible playoff scenario.

“I’m not going to rush it all. That’s the one thing I don’t want to do,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll feel better in two or three weeks, but definitely don’t want to rush it and wind up hurting it even more. I’m taking my time with it. I’m just blessed it happened early in the season where I can get past it and hopefully by December I’ll be ready to play.”

H/T: Daily Thunder

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