Tuesday 04th March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Wade on LeBron’s Free Agency: Just Don’t Solely Put It on Me

wadeDwyane Wade won’t let you put the blame for LeBron James’ free-agency decision on him.

Maybe Akron will.

But Wade won’t.

People haven’t stopped talking bout LeBron’s free agency this year. It’s most definitely not as bad as the 2009-10 campaign, when he was trapped in the utter, star sidekick-less hell known as Cleveland, but it’s still a hot-button issue.

Will he leave the Miami Heat? If so, where will he go? Who will he team up with next? Will he take Chris Bosh with him? Can the New York Knicks pay him the veteran’s minimum and make up the difference by offering him a lifetime supply of acoustic guitar lessons taught by despotic owner James Dolan?

These are the things we think about. Players on the Heat do too. They may not admit it, but you better believe it’s crossed their minds once or twice or every got damn night. Coach Erik Spoelstra may even lead a secret prayer group, where all they do is beg the powers at be for James to return. That’s how important he is to the Heat, even with Bosh and Wade.

Ah, yes, Wade. The reason we’re here.

One of the major issues with LeBron returning is Wade. Detractors cite his health. Will LeBron want to live through another year of Wade’s infamous maintenance program? Tough to tell. I say yes. Especially if the Heat win again. Even if they don’t, I can’t see him leaving. The opportunity to win three titles is five years is still dynastic.

No matter what happens, though, Wade doesn’t want the blame, as he told USA Today‘s Jeff Zillgitt:

But truth is, when James looks at his options and tries to determine which team has the best shot of winning a championship next season and beyond, a healthy Wade makes the Heat’s chances of keeping James.

“Just don’t solely put it on me,” Wade said, laughing. “That’s what I’m saying. Don’t put the X on me. … There’s a lot that goes into, so just don’t say, ‘If Dwyane Wade doesn’t have the year that we’re accustomed to, it’s over.’ “

The select few of you who think LeBron’s decision will be as simple as “Do I love Wade, do I kinda-sorta-like Wade or do I absolutely loathe Wade?” should be taken out back and force-fed a vat of cold baked beans mixed with vinegar, hummus and the world’s strongest laxatives.

Whatever LeBron does, it will obviously be with Wade in mind—to an extent. Wade isn’t going to make or break his decision to return if he’s not retiring. These two are friends, remember. Leaving him will be hard; it won’t be the driving force behind his departure.

Not that Wade and the Heat should trouble themselves with such crap. It’s irrelevant.

LeBron isn’t going anywhere.

Right now.

Talk to the Heat if he opts into the next year of his deal and has the ability to explore free agency again in 2015. That’s when they’ll have to worry. It’s all good at the moment. He’s not going anywhere.

If for some reason he does, don’t blame me for being wrong. Or Wade for being old and injury-prone.

Blame, I don’t know, someone like, say, Lee Majors.

Dan Favale is a firm believer in the three-pointer as well as the notion that defense doesn’t always win championships. His musings can be found at Bleacherreport.com in addition to TheHoopDoctors.com.

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