Saturday 01st March 2025,
The Hoop Doctors

Tweet: Melo’s Wife La La Vasquez Responds, Puts Jordan Crawford On Blast

After the Boston Celtics won Game 5 over the NY Knicks Wednesday night, to tighten the 1st Round Playoff series 3-2, little used bench player Jordan Crawford decided to add some fuel to the fire by taunting Carmelo Anthony, or more specifically his wife, as the players left the floor.

The former Atlanta Hawk and Washington Wizard guard decided to try and get into Melo’s head by channeling teammate Kevin Garnett’s piercing trash talking earlier in the season, choosing to focus on dissing Melo’s gorgeous wife LaLa Vasquez-Anthony.

If you remember, KG told Melo face-to-face that his wife “Tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios.”   As out of bounds as the comment was, at least Garnett was man enough say it to Melo’s face rather than Crawford’s hiding behind the much bigger Chris Wilcox and DJ White before spewing his defamatory comments.

Now as the series shifts back to Boston for a decisive Game 6, Boston at least has a fighting chance of not only tying the series but forcing a Game 7 back at Madison Square Garden over the weekend.

Can New York overcome Boston’s mind games, or will NYC have to endure another epic collapse at he hands of their geographic rival Boston, just as the Yankees once choked against the Red Sox in the postseason.

In any event, Melo’s wife LaLa took to Twitter and Instagram to put Jordan Crawford in his place:

As expected, Jordan Crawford is now backpedaling…nice try:

Allen Moll has been a lifelong NBA and NCAA College Basketball fan who watches and studies games religiously, and coaches youth basketball in his native Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. Allen has also provided content to,,, CSN, Buckets Magazine, in addition to being a tenured NBA and NCAA columnist for

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